Posted: Post subject: Whats your story about STDs and relationships? |
I am looking for people that have experiences with STD's which do not impose major health risks.I am a filmmaker wishing to collect audio so that I may animate a film about this.
I am specifically wanting to find those who have been diagnosed at some point with the HPV virus causing warts, the Herpes virus, public lice or chlamydia...etc
Often there is a lot of stigma associated with these STD's and in my opinion (if caught in time) the stigma can often cause more harm than the actual side effects of the STD's themselves. The aim of this film is to encourage people to see the issue of STD's in a more approachable way and to feel more comfortable talking about STD's and dealing with these issues which effect a large portion of the population.
I am seeking people who've had experiences with STD's, either personally, or a story about a friend, or even something you've heard on the grapevine. I am looking for positive and funny stories, along with stories which may be emotional. I am interested in experiences of disclosure of this issue to a friend or partner, and particularly interested in lighthearted views at the situation.
If you wish to take part in this film project please contact me. I will be recording the audio via phone or Skype so you can choose to remain anonymous if you wish.
Thanks for reading this post, If you wish to know more about what I am doing please don't hesitate to contact me.