Joined: March 17, 2010
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: Another "Not sure what this is" |
So I get out of the shower the other day and take a look at my head. I notice this rather large redish brown looking thing on the right side of it. First, let me tell you I havnt been se---lly active in almost a year. I look down at it and it looks kind of roundish, a little like a blob. Its not coming out of the hole, its on the side down lower near where it lets off into the shaft. Its about the size of a small seed. Maybe half the size of flax seed or a little smaller. So at first, I think its just dirt I didnt get off and I try to remove it. But it doesnt come I grab what amounts to a pair of tweezers and discover that my skin comes up with it as I pull. 0.o is the reaction I have.
Naturally, I like my man meat and want to keep it right where it is in what I had previously thought to be a healthy condition. So I pull harder and it seems to start going into me!!! Now it doesnt hurt when it goes inside, BUT it hurts a small bit when I try to pull it off. Now, I clipped a bit of it off when I tried to pull harder and it seems to deflate but no blood or puss comes out. Anyone had anything like this before? I havnt been out of the country nor have I been around (or inside) of any people who have been out of the country. I did however recently spend the night at a friends house on their futon. His roomate is a slob of sorts and he has terrible taste in woman who probably are not clean at all. So I was thinking I might have picked something up off his futon. Anyone have any ideas? It doesnt seem like crabs to me but thought it might be some kind of burrowing insect im not aware of. Please help! I love my "member" and want to keep it in great working condition!