Edgeonover, 63

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Ontario, CANADA

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Mother Nature
Mother Nature I breed Abyssinian cats. I have 2. I have been raising cats for 16 years.
I design and build my own cat pens. I am a wee bit handy for a girl. Have a lot of tools.
I have worked in the pet and flower industry for many years.

I broke my tail bone and had to slow down a lot. I had surgery last year but it takes a long time to mend.Slow strolls on the beach are great but don't ask me to go on long walks, hikes or trips unless it is in a car or on a horse.
I like aquarium fish and am a member of the an aquarium club.
I started reading fiction books in grade 8 and became an avid reader. I always have a book with me. I like fantasy the most, Sci-fi, mystery and horror. Steven King and Dean Koontz. Read them all.
I love movies and I can watch the same one over and over. I like sci-fi and action films the most. Comedy you can only watch once.
For music, I enjoy the oldies, eighties, classical, easy listening music, most anything I can sing to. I like to take long drives to no where. See new things and sing. I love singing.
I love motorcycles. I don't have one.
I don't like crowds and can be quite shy with new people.
Cooking is not one of my strong points.
Not much into sports. Football is great for naps.
I have a wacky humor and I love to laugh till it hurts.
I am independant and co-dependant. I enjoy doing my own thing but I also enjoy doing things with another person.
The real me is 50, my bones feel 80 but my mind is lost in my 30's somewhere.

I have so many interests and I am always open to new ones. I am game for adventures.
I am very shy but passionate with the one I love. I like S-- but I think there is a lot more to life and love than s--. I am looking for my life partner, my best friend, my lover.
I am extremely emotional, earth mother type, insecure but easily encouraged with love.

I will not make the first move. If you are interested, send me an email.
About Me
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Height 5'00"
Weight 190 lbs
Hobbies & Interests reading, puzzles and brain teasers, movies, gardening, computers
Body Type fat and proud, pleasantly plump
Movies sci-fi, horror, action
Orientation straight
Eye Color blue
Hair Color light brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Relationship divorced
Have Kids no - and am unable to
Education Level some college, some high school
Profession Other
Income level that's private
Do you smoke? no - will not date a smoker
Do you drink? no
I currently live with parents
Socially, I am home body
Political Views not interested in politics
Food Related Carnivore, Comfort, Lactose Intolerant (am I sharing too much?)
Religious Views Not Religious
I'm looking for soulmate, relationship, mr. right
My Sign aries : march 21-april 19, i was born in march
Pets Turtle, Fish, Cats
Gender Female
Music Pop, Motown, Classical, Celtic
Hair Style short hair
Fitness & Sports dancing, swimming

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